This year I've seen many Teabag and Body shooting that Team in 2023 would get fine
But It's seem like players still do it consistency through the year so Do Riot stop fine player for Teabag and Body shooting ?
It's not that. Imagine the CEO of Redbull sits in on a game and asks riot employees "Hey what's that crouching dance they're doing? What does it mean?"
I feel like many pros don't use Sentinels of Light because it would draw out the most insane BM on the finisher. You would need some self-control not to BM the enemy.
It is probably the most obvious form of BMing. It definitely gets a fine. And I imagine that it also runs the risk of making a stream possibly "not family friendly".
Off-season Turney is not VCT, rules more lenient. Regional VCT probably have warnings, but Masters/Champs since it’s International audience is probably more strict.