He hard abuses holds, a lot of the time people in ranked will just swing cause they get bored. I got so many clutches by just holding an off angle in like ct getting the first one and snowballing the rest cause they were off position just searching for me to farm stats.
He makes his own plays and prioritizes his life, eg. like if my team is going out of main in a midround into site but we dont have smokes to smoke a choke, I am the one to hold the choke and get the trade and not the one who gets traded. He also doesnt take spike and farms ult orbs.
Plays a lot off of reads and minimap on defence, by picking what site he plays and where he will play absed on ults and econ (just plays the probability game) and is generally very proactive but in a smart way, like he will not run it down main but if he sees that the enmy team is pushing on the other side if he doesnt wanna rotate because he thinks its a fake or he sees an opportunity to flank, he will account for a possible lurk and clear it meticoulously before running it down flank or simply stays in an extended position and plays trigger discipline (if fake). In one of the vods he sniffs out a fake so he runs to the other side of the map to throw a cage so the enemy team thinks he is there and wont push the cyphers site, runs back and pushes up main and then just gets free kills winning the round when the enemies rotate.
What I noticed a lot on T side is that he will move a lot more from good angle to good angle. like he will approach Bind B long by going as far as possible on the little wall to peek at first (optimal peek), then he will go forward and to the left to peek when scaling next to the wall so he can dodge a flash etc. etc. like he doesnt care that his team is skipping steps and going faster, he still plays it proper.