All of the above I guess , "skill" is the wrong word to use so mb. I mean when it comes down to matches; how well they hold their own against T1 teams. Whether its scrims or these off season tournaments.
i actually understand the long term projects but i dont understand the "long term players" thing they have, specially because sometimes they kick players who werent the issue or that had more potential and keep familiar faces over them ngl.
yeah bang for zander aint bad but i never understood if bang wanted to leave or they wanted to get zander over him, if 100t wanted zander i understand but bang was never bad enough to remove him imo.
It's one off season match. And regardless, everyone in Americas upgraded big time while 100T only sidegraded realistically. They can still perform well but they're going against some insane competition.
nah its def nepotism, brazil/latam recycles the same washed players giving them time on each and every team before they decide to go for someone new, just cause they were on a team before in t1
i know level wise tier 2 teams arent far from tier 1 but orgless premier teams winning to top 5 of their vct rosters its new to me and a bit embarrasing to say the least