why did they remove it after such a long turn and is there any way to still get it? i’m so used to stretched, native feels weird
Nah fully patched + it doesn’t do anything + pros already stopped using it before the patch + dwbi
Stop using stretched it’s a relic from countershit and needs to be abolished
Because it’s just nostalgia bias, like just move on, yeah it’s gonna feel weird but you will get used to it
I still use this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-Xu9mMQAOk&t=64s
Don’t do this I got many virus
lying for fun
not lying cause happened to me
I have no idea if this does anything but maybe try changing your computer's resolution in the display settings
Just download cru (custom resolution utility} and set a custom res as native and put full screen in your monitor settings on