everyone talking about kush, he is good. but no one is talking about estrella?
Kalau menurut gw orang kritik dia dan concern karena takut dia belun fasih inggrisnya itu wajar dan kritik yg solid banget sih. Sekali lagi engga semuanya bilang narik estrella cuman buat narik fans kr, gw bahkan hanya liat 1/2 orang doang yg bilang kaya gitu. Intinya maksud gw jangan ngedrag reputasi kita lagi, itu udah tugasnya tetangga miangas soalnya bg
Not because of that, most RRQ fans still doubt his English speaking ability because viewers only see him speaking english on interviews, and from most interview, his english are still spotty with limited vocabs. And RRQ comms video mostly cut him when he speak because he's the IGL's so most people never really heard him speak fluent english.
Comms is honestly play a crucial role in team communication, most T1 player this year all speak good english but one of their biggest problem is comm issues despite all of them speak english, that's why T1 next year gonna be full Korean with Korean comms so their player are much more relaxed becase they're speaking their native language.