I'm working on a "MapMetaTimeline", the data are almost compiled, and Haven, is to me the thermometer of the meta, what is good on Haven will be close form the global meta, so really good choice.
Archetype are defined in the previous video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGHldAjmDes basically, they are 2 way to classify archetype :
- Based on class (How many initiator, controller, duelist, sentinel, sage ?), since almost every composition got 1 duel, 1 ctrl, 1 ini, the 2 firs letter of the remaining slot is the name of the archetype (For exemple, "IS" composition got 1 duel, 1 ctrl, 1 ini PLUS 1 initiator and 1 Sentinel)
- Based on spell (Dive-Mobility, Flash, Reveal, Sentinel, Controller), "classic composition" have 1 agent for each spell, "Hybrid" have one flashed that do something else and free a spot for another agent, 0M, 0F, 0S, 0R are the composition without one of this 5 spells