What rank are you guys?
Me: ASC 3
Peak plat 1, last rank silver 3, haven't played in a very long time
Silver 3, ONE GAME off gold (wish me luck, queueing this evening if I get the time) Currently at peak btw
Good luck! You'll get a Jett smurf that goes 40-13 😁
Hopefully on my team
Immo 2 125 rr
Last rank i get was diamond 3 (Have 1y that i am not playing, but today i probally was going to be silver)
imm1 peak asc3 currently
i just stop ranked every act after I hit immo for the episode buddy
asc1 but not playing like it (In a bad way) https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Aayan%232005/overview
peak asc 3 current asc 1 i haven't played ranked in 3 weeks the act is ending and i only have 6 games played this act
gold 3 now peak plat 2
your avarage 12 kill andy
d2 but havent touched comp at all this act because i have been only scrimming with my shitlow team