Which timezone will it follow
Like can the teams announce according to heir timezone or is there a specific one everyone has to follow?
VCT Transfer Window. The VCT 2025 transfer window will open for all teams in each League on October 7, 2024 at 9:00 am local time in the League’s Hub City (“Transfer Window Start”). The window will close for all teams in each League one week prior to the start of that League’s Stage 2 Playoffs, at 5:00 pm local time in the League’s Hub City (“Transfer Window Close”).
The term “VCT Transfer Window” means, for each team, the period of time between the Transfer Window Start and the applicable Transfer Window Close. For example, if a League’s Stage 2 Playoffs begin on July 8, 2025, the VCT Transfer Window for the teams in that League will close on July 1, 2025, at 5:00 pm local time.