路 馃嚡馃嚨 Meiy
路 馃嚡馃嚨 Art
路 馃嚡馃嚨 gyen
路 馃嚢馃嚪 Akame
路 馃嚢馃嚪 Jinboong
insane firepower, yall ain't ready for the gyen and meiy duo
路 馃嚡馃嚨 Meiy
路 馃嚡馃嚨 Art
路 馃嚡馃嚨 gyen
路 馃嚢馃嚪 Akame
路 馃嚢馃嚪 Jinboong
insane firepower, yall ain't ready for the gyen and meiy duo
the thing with dfm is that they always play dm with their roster before they start scrimming early in the day. For the last two days they have played Deathmatch at the same time as Aace does and Aace also has been the only player being made LFT by Riddle, the timing really makes me wonder especially since Gyen didn't play at all on any of his two accounts I have been tracking (he may have a third account). The core of Meiy, Art, Akame and Jinboong had been scrimming well over a month together now, I don't think that will change at all.
he probably has better mechanics than the Riddle players but he definitely doesn't have the experience, it's a high risk high reward move. He did trial with other Japanese teams before but didn't want to sign with any until he was 18. They were trialing LOB, Gwangboong, Tenzou and Gyen for that final 5th spot, the rest had been scrimming together for well over a month at this point.
Honestly, this roster might be good.
Gyen seems to be a ranked demon like Karon and primmie, while Art, Akame, and Jinboong are great additions as well.
Art, while known as toxic and opinionated, has had good IGL performances with Sengoku Gaming, meanwhile Jinboong played on SG with Art and looked like the best player on the team; and Akame is the second coming of Rb, and had a lot of interest in T1.