here we go
VIT derke
VIT sayf
VIT trexx
VIT boaster
VIT less
if fnc had a good igl theyd have won champs 23 and prob a few trophies this year lol
fym dk ball
its easy to LOOK like a good caller when you have 4 top 10 players on your team and a top 5 coach, when teams started outcalling fnatic left and right people just blamed everyone else but not the fact that fnc were getting strategically abused
the fact that the team only started looking good after hiro joined is more of an indication of culture being off/them not grinding hard enough. for calling i think it was less of an issue as they trounced g2, a team that is very reliant on midrounding and abusing bad calling, but fumbled hard on prep for maps, something i blame more on the coaches and work ethic