saw it on reddit from user gabonapa and thought i’d summarize lembo’s vod even more for you guys in case anyone missed it/doesn’t use reddit. this is a slightly more condensed version.
sorry if this is old news and it’s an internet explorer moment
Sen’s number one option for controller is bang. but they haven’t stop trialing other players as they aren’t fully convinced. Sen has not made up their minds yet at all.
100t are trialing zander and skuba and it didn’t go as well with zander apparently :/ trials went better with skuba
n4rrate and bang are the players that fit sen the most right now but sen are also trialing zander
Mazino are in advanced talks with KRU
KRU is choosing between adverso and nzr
NRG are dead set on getting derke and is not going for aspas
Mada is doing super well in tryouts
confirms BLEED is the APAC team willing to pay for aspas