"Hey brazilian go back to your favela hjahahaha"
"Indians are dirty and poo on the streets hahaha"
"French and human is an oxymoron. Should all be executed xdddd"
"Chinese eat dog xdddd"
All these statement have been written on this site. Regularly. And they get 20+ upvotes. When people complain they get dowmvoted. "Hahaha i am so edgy hihi". Fuckin 14 year old baby it is time to grow up.
And vlr moderation need to step up. So lazy and late. Always. You are responsible for this. Kids will always be edgy (and racists be racist). You are not doing your job. Creating a toxic racist environment.
And a guy makes a post criticising that.... What do the comments do? " Ahhh its not so bad! Its fun! French is not a race! Brazil is just a nation". Only excuses!
YOU are the problem raciste.