I believe it will happen and I think NRG will own next year with him
Anonimotum just said on a twitch chat "I wouldn't go that fast" But I also believe it will happen
I know more than him trust
(I'm lying)
can you make another mini thread on what he has said so far
He only said that on the chat. But he said he would swing by for another talk tomorrow if there wasn't much work. I'll do a thread if ti happens
I’m hoping it happens, the people want more insight
The G2 Jawgemo thing was on the thread, so what they said last time it's starting to come true
omg that would be sick, im craving for more infos especially after seeing that Ange1 and my goat Click are du queueing
They're the only team that makes sense
lowkey i’d be so down for derke, we just need an actual duelist player
Im so glad theres other NRG fans that understand Demon1 is not built to be a duelist player for this team
Ong, people finally understand he's washed
been saying that this guy needs to learn full-time smokes or sentinel, because he was never meant to be a dive duelist, that’s not how eg ever used him