I Hate People Who Instalock Duelists

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It’s funny how some things in Valorant never change. Whenever someone brings up the issue of instalocking duelists, the same excuses always come up.

“If you were a better player, you wouldn’t care about that.”

“Well, instalocking is the only way to make sure the team has someone who can get kills.”

“Just chill, it’s just a game"

“I have a friend who installs all the games and we still win. Maybe the problem is with you, not him.”

And the cycle continues. The community pretends not to see the problem, Riot does nothing to balance the meta, and the instalockers continue without ever thinking about playing with a controller or a sentinel. The mess only grows and the game continues to suffer from the same toxic mentality.


yeah it's basically the shit thing about "agent select" games, it's limited to roles and therefore conflict will always occur with it


I mean yeah Instalocking is annoying but its ranked. If anything the best thing you can do is just instalock an agent that you are conmfortable on instead of filling an agent/role you are mid/shit on and playing bad.


playing without smokes is so bad man
mfs would lock in anything but cypher and a smokes on sunset


I hate the ones that take my Agent more


If you are below imortal, comp dont meant nothing. You can play 3 duelist comp and won.
People just dont respect the fundamentals of the game in those elos. Thats why most people achieve imortal playing reyna, and when they play in imortal they change role. beucase people there start play more serious. If you want play sova in gold, no one will waiting for your drone, they just go foward and if you stop to "droning", you are literally trolling because you will not be able to trade. So what the point to make a right comp if the team will not respect the fundamentals?


how would you recommend to play in these ranks? i like playing sova, but i often run into ur problem lol. drone + recon dont do shit because my team doesnt use the info to exec. Do i just switch into a more straightforward agent like raze / reyna?


Pick Sova only in maps where you destroy. Like most sova are goods in Haven, Ascent and Abyss. Maps where you not doing that great with Sova, change for Chamber. You can pick everywhere and go for the first kill (most impactfull kill in the round). And the other thing about playing Chamber, you will not have fear to shooting back. You can go, and if you are in trouble just use the tp. Your aim will improve because you will be forced to take more 1v1 combats playing with Chamber. With Sova you probably have the support mentality, this make you playing passive most of the times.


Thanks man, imma try out chamber then. Never really played him lol, gonna be interesting.


I dont understand instalock duelist
Controller or sentinel is the only role i played, getting a lot of kill doesnt give me joy. Stalling and defending feels much better
Probably because im a tank/supp player in any game i played


As a smokes player, I genuinely don't mind if I'm solo Viper with a Jett Raze Reyna on my team. As long as there's no toxicity, trolling, or anything of the sort, I'm completely fine with it, even if none of them are fragging very heavily. As long as their goal is to win the game, that's all I could possibly ask for in a ranked team.


instalocking if i am being nice is a mid to high immortal problem(proof someone legit got asc/immo with a classic only) that is it in lower ranks it genuinely doesn't matter what you play or what you do as long as ur shooting back i legit notice zero difference in my games when we have all our roles filled or not legit have gone entire matches not knowing we didn't have smokes trips flashes or we had 2 or more duelist or a player that is doing bad and consistently reach the ranks i want to reach when i want to it legit so easy

1-only way to rank up is play agents that force you to take fights and help you win fights (chamber vyse skye sage any flash agents and any agents with mobility/selfish kits)
2-not caring about the outcome of the game have fun is it a video game losing isnt gonna hurt you or matter at all
3-(optional) tell your teammates to chillout if they are flaming or generally mad cope with them if is the enemy team they are mad at
4-when you fuck up type "mb" when someone else fucks up and gets called out or call themselves out say "all good" or something like it
these are the only things in your control the rest is RNG


i insta lock because 1. my dumb ass teammates can't comprehend any utility usages; a casual trip for hasbulla to trip over or wenbenyama trip for someone to walk right under. I insta lock also because its ranked; id rather play my best agent than you play it and be sorry.


three instalock duelist every game, at least two of them are complete dogshit

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