Is Riens the best initiator in the world right now?
Yeah trexx have a bad teammates, poor him. So what? If anything thats why trexx looks so good, cuz he surrounded by idiots, except sayf. Meanwhile riens is the #1 player on his team filled with great players.
Even if Leo play This champs, Wont change that much, he Used to be better last year but not this year. Hell, I even think he still better than riens overall. But NOW? Riens is the best initiator in the world.
nice edit
Trexx is 1st, Riens is 5th while playing over 300 rounds more stop with this shit.
Leo is the better player that isnt the argument, im saying who is the best right now put leo in this server RIGHT NOW he isnt doing what riens is doing simply because he hasnt played pro in months. Not sure why ur talking about the last time they faced each other when im talking about right now.
With that logic MiniBoo > Aspas as he beat him last series
I'd still take Leo without playing for months over Riens, because he is THE best.
Trexx is 1st, Riens is 5th while playing over 300 rounds more stop with this shit.
1st is 1st.put leo in this server RIGHT NOW he isnt doing what riens is doing simply because he hasnt played pro in months
Yes he is. Riens isn't even the best initiator on his team lmao. Woot clear hims in terms of ACTUAL initiating ability, Riens just frags.
Riens is literally getting diffed by his IGL in terms of assists lol (yk the MAIN metric of an initiators ability to set up their team)