Rankings taken from each team's placements throughout each international event. If a team finishes tied (e.g. 9th-12th), the lowest placing is taken (e.g. 9th). The average is then taken.
In case of champions, 1st bracket indicates lowest guaranteed placing, 2nd bracket indicates second lowest, etc. For the overall year rankings, the lowest guaranteed placing has been taken although taking the highest wouldn't change anything.
Overall Year Rankings (rounded to 2dp.)
1st: Americas (4.88)
2nd: EMEA (6.22)
3rd: Pacific (6.44
4th: China (8.22)
Masters Madrid Ranking
1st: Americas (2.5)
1st: Pacific (2.5)
3rd: EMEA (6)
3rd: China (6)
Masters Shanghai Ranking
1st: EMEA (4.66)
2nd: Americas (5.33)
3rd: Pacific (5.66)
4th: China (9)
Champions Ranking
1st: Americas (5.75 (5.5) (5.25))
2nd: EMEA (7.5 (7.25) (7))
3rd: China (8.75 (8.5))
4th: Pacific (9)