Flag: Australia
Registered: April 23, 2022
Last post: March 1, 2025 at 6:41 AM
Posts: 186
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what happened to edward. did he retire or something. what happened to his team edward gaming. he needs to come back and play 5 edward meta. edward on duelist. edward on initiator. edward on sentinel. edward on controller. a 5th edward just for the insurance.

posted 2 days ago

I think the solution is try looking at T1's playstyle on maps like haven, they've tried the Yoru - Iso comp and had an alright game against G2. If they really put some time into it, it might look better than anything they can put out right now. I do think their current gameplans are not terrible, really it's the midrounding. Idk if it's the switch from sentinel to initiator by John or the loss of tenz and sacy.

However you gotta be confident in them with their long break and we all know how good the team is

posted 6 days ago

2023 loud lost 3-2 to EG

just imagine if sacy and pancada were there 😭would not have been close

posted 4 weeks ago

top 4 teams who didn't qualify to bangkok get a bye. it seems single elim, with a 3rd place match.

there are points listed on VLR, but seems redundant considering all 12 teams are in VCT CN and TE + EDG send academy teams (obv)

posted 1 month ago

Oh man thats on me. I forgot about the verticality.

posted 1 month ago

On pgs 108 and 109 M4 describes to us an A take and B fake.

His “a take” is literally sova droning past a viper wall (which may not even be there) and the other players taking aggressive angles. Here are how this could and would fail:

  1. Early round A aggression
  2. Aggressive reclears
  3. Push outs from mid or B
  4. Kayo knife
  5. Breaking the drone
  6. Repositioning
  7. and many more
    This would not work in comp, let alone against top VCT teams.
posted 1 month ago

SEN played Yoru on Split. So did BOTH FNC and BBL on their split match. In fact, out of 6 comps over 3 maps, Yoru was only missing once on FNC's fracture.
SEN ran Yoru on Pearl, so did FUT and BBL.
Karmine Corp have ran Yoru on ALL six maps they have played.
2Game ran Yoru on Haven. G2 ran Yoru on both their maps.
T1 was ALSO running Yoru on Pearl. DFM also chose Yoru on Pearl.
TYLOO over in China ran Yoru on Abyss and so did JDG. All Gamers also trusted in Yoru on Abyss. BiliBili also ran Yoru on Abyss, and so did FPX. Trace Esports ran Yoru on Abyss as well.
In fact FPX also ran the Lotus Yoru.
and likely more to come

Now Yoru was ran on Abyss, Haven and Bind a fair bit at Champs 2024. But it seems teams are really leaning into the Yoru. KC, BBL, SEN, FNC, FPX have all chosen Yoru significantly.

Anybody have a reason why?

posted 1 month ago

I feel like this is better then his sentinel role last year since he now has the freedom to be much more proactive as an IGL and can call from the moment as opposed to being the lurker or last man in as the sentinel. Imo this is also Zellsis' best role on sentinel. His aim def is not the best on the team but his game sense is up there so the sentinel role suits him best, like we saw with his KJ play last year

posted 4 months ago

Double sentinel has never worked realistically, we saw challengers teams picking up deadlock - cypher with relative success then Sentinels ofc picked it up on lotus and ascent. It kinda worked on lotus but never picked up on Ascent for them. LEV did see some success with it but they seemed to abandon Ascent in general after their loss to trace

BUT, I am confident that teams will pull out the double sentinel combo with vyse and a traditional flank watcher (cypher / kj). Teams will likely like to use it against retake heavy teams, for example Sentinels. Vyse also takes the role of a secondary initiator, with her flash and vines (molly thing). Using her alongside a kayo, sova or gekko seems pretty viable.

For example, an ascent comp of Jett, Omen, Sova, Vyse, Cypher / Kj

Thoughts? or will Vyse flop competitively like the past 3 agents before her or something

posted 6 months ago

An extension of my 2024 regional placements list

Note 1: Rankings taken from each team's placements throughout each international event. If a team finishes tied (e.g. 9th-12th), the lowest placing is taken (e.g. 9th). The average is then taken.
Note 2: Pre-franchising regions have been assigned to their respective franchised regions (e.g. LATAM -> Americas, Japan -> Pacific) China has been incorporated into Pacific as only EDG qualifies for Champions and China do not have slots at any other events.
Note 3: All decimals rounded to 2dp

Overall 2021-2024 Ranking
1st: EMEA (5.47)
2nd: Americas (6.25)
3rd: Pacific (7.83)
4th: China (8.14)

Overall 2024 Year Ranking
All regions sent 9 total teams
1st: Americas (4.88)
2nd: EMEA (6.11)
3rd: Pacific (6.44)
4th: China (8.11)

Overall 2023 Year Ranking
Americas sent 7 total teams, EMEA sent 9 total teams, Pacific sent 7 total teams, China sent 5 total teams
1st: Americas (5.57)
2nd: Pacific (6.86)
3rd: EMEA (7.66) (6.43; removing worst placing teams at Masters and Champions - Team Liquid and Navi)
4th: China (8.20)

Overall 2022 Year Ranking
Americas sent 17 total teams, EMEA sent 10 total teams, Pacific sent 13 total teams,
1st: EMEA (4.92)
2nd: Americas (6.53)
3rd: Pacific (8.46)

Overall 2021 Year Ranking
Americas sent 18 total teams, EMEA sent 10 total teams, Pacific sent 13 total teams (should have been 14, but Bren Esports did not participate)
1st: EMEA (3.5)
2nd: Americas (6.94)
3rd: Pacific (8.69)

posted 6 months ago

Nobody remembers who came second in anything, TH's year will be remembered but when people look back it was the year of SEN, Gen.G and EDG

posted 6 months ago

what is this HOLY cope. heretics remain winless 0% winrate in 2 attempts LMAO

posted 6 months ago

who said this???

posted 6 months ago

"ur team" - Sentinels who won Masters Madrid

posted 6 months ago

Senshitels won two trophies before heretics even made a grand final

posted 6 months ago

sure thing, i will prob make one comparing all the regions once champions ends to see the evolution of each region throughout the years

posted 6 months ago

Rankings taken from each team's placements throughout each international event. If a team finishes tied (e.g. 9th-12th), the lowest placing is taken (e.g. 9th). The average is then taken.
In case of champions, 1st bracket indicates lowest guaranteed placing, 2nd bracket indicates second lowest, etc. For the overall year rankings, the lowest guaranteed placing has been taken although taking the highest wouldn't change anything.

Overall Year Rankings (rounded to 2dp.)
1st: Americas (4.88)
2nd: EMEA (6.22)
3rd: Pacific (6.44
4th: China (8.22)

Masters Madrid Ranking
1st: Americas (2.5)
1st: Pacific (2.5)
3rd: EMEA (6)
3rd: China (6)

Masters Shanghai Ranking
1st: EMEA (4.66)
2nd: Americas (5.33)
3rd: Pacific (5.66)
4th: China (9)

Champions Ranking
1st: Americas (5.75 (5.5) (5.25))
2nd: EMEA (7.5 (7.25) (7))
3rd: China (8.75 (8.5))
4th: Pacific (9)

posted 6 months ago

Was it a honeymoon period at kickoff and madrid, or is it because of something else.
They played really well in their first 3 stage 2 matches. Until, they started relying on the "Deadlock - Cypher" comps. They clearly aren't getting the value SEN thought it would. But with that out the way, do you think they have what it takes to innovate and make playoffs, top 3? Or even win champs.

posted 7 months ago

Looking at the representatives from every region, you really don't want anyone in your group.
Heretics are EMEA #3
SEN are AME #4
DRX / PRX for PAC #3
BLG CN #4 and we know what they did to the favourites last year.

You just gotta pray for the CN teams as the higher seeds (and still you could go in as the underdog as the 1 or 2 seed)

posted 7 months ago

No matter what this team will qualify, went 0-9 last year and went through LCQ. And now clutching up when it looked like it was over.

posted 7 months ago

Shoulda won against FURIA 💀 woulda been booking their tickets to Seoul rn

posted 7 months ago

Pretty sure they played as 'DRX VS' for another year after, so they should def be up there as one of (if not) the most consistent team OAT. Hope to see them succeed for once

posted 7 months ago

bait used to be believable

posted 7 months ago

am I wrong in saying the only way SEN don't make champs is they lose to G2 and lose their first playoff match. While 100T win all 3 of their remaining regular season matches, win one playoff game (not getting the bye) and losing 2 in a row to not make top 3. Since then SEN sit on 12 points while 100T sit on 13, with neither of them making top 3?

posted 7 months ago

Bro took too much of the crack

posted 8 months ago

Looking at the top 6 of, PRX, DRX, Talon, TS, RRQ and Gen.G, they basicially have an incredibly easy path to playoffs. BLEED are out of contention, while GE sit at 3-5. None of DFM, T1 or ZETA look stunning. Really no competition here no?

posted 8 months ago

tl;dr: having a team with Zest and Yay who both made mutliple top 4 VCT finishes. scary who basically went to every event in 2021 and 2022 and accomplished regional players in Deryeon and Retla and STILL placing last is honestly something only this team team can accomplish.

This team and org is just dysfunctional, instead of picking up players who could actually play well and creating a sensible strategic approach - they went up and picked up yay as an import and used him on skye and viper at kickoff? and then proceeded to have him play raze. You literally have Deryeon who can comfortably play Raze which enables you to run yay on chamber or jett. You have Zest who has made it to multiple playoff and subsequent top 4 finishes with DRX. sScary is the only person playing with any motivation to win, he's made it to multiple masters and champions with X10 and Xerxia. Then retla has lots of experience spanning back to 2021 with PRX and 2022 with BLEED themselves. And yet the best you can accomplish is tied last and tied second last.

Ultimately, this may boil down to the coaching staff or overall team dynamic. But this team has no future unless they just disband, let the talented players join talented teams and build fromthe top down in an attempt to at least make top 8 and fight for your spot in 2025.

posted 8 months ago

who do yall think can make it to VCT next year, at least in Americas I'm confident it'll be one of the current top 3 NA teams being oxygen, darkzero (previously TTR) and one other team maybe m80 if they return to form. Also any news on china ascension? Will it be a similar format to last years.

posted 8 months ago

i swear to the lords above every time this team plays it's a fever dream. f0rsaken and jinggg just run onto site not even letting go of WASD, then the rest of the team somehow gets 3 kills - all within 1 second of each other and suddenly it's the next round? What even is this

posted 8 months ago

Pacific and America starts shortly on 8.11, and both have extremely competent players who can run neon - and I'm willing to say someone's pulling out the iso. Notably, I think SEN can run Zellsis or Zekken on Neon, same with NRG with victor. PRX and Talon play today, with forsaken and governer both running neon. Pretty sure ban has also played neon as well (may be completely wrong).

posted 8 months ago

tl;dr: nrg suck and are not making cham[s

Could NRG actually make top 3 and make champions. Even though 4 members would have played together last year and adding Ethan is definitely an upgrade. They're in 7th with a 3-3 record, tied with SEN and G2 who are both likely better teams. Then EG and LOUD sit behind them 2-3 so basically a game in hand on NRG. Plus, they face SEN, G2, KRU and C9 - none of which are easy games and imo I see them going 2-2 ending 5-5 in the season, which may not be enough to make to playoffs - and even if they play well and do, they'll almost certainly have to make top 3 and that is nowhere near a certainty. I don't know how long they've been practicing, but with the incoming patch and new map rotation - they probably have a better chance than if they were coming in stage 1 for example.

posted 8 months ago

against gen.g? I mean the turnaroud time isnt great and T1 have made roster chances. Or will Gen.G just stomp them

posted 8 months ago

surely they are, he's a clear-cut IGL for them

posted 8 months ago

bleed is no longer bleeding wtf???

posted 8 months ago

for pacific it'll be playoffs - and likely will be the same for china
not 100% sure for emea and americas since they start a bit later

posted 8 months ago

looking like a completely different team?? if only they put this much effort into their attack half

posted 8 months ago

will likely be same as last year

posted 8 months ago

is this normal? the whole TS team having a heater of a match

posted 8 months ago

tbf this is the first time anyone has played this map, if you're still falling off after 2-3 matches on the map its kinda a skill issue

posted 8 months ago

NRG 0-2 100T

posted 9 months ago

IL Winners
Swiss Stage
0-2: G2
0-2: DRG
1-2: DRX
1-2: TH
2-1: FNC
2-1: EDG
2-0: Gen.G
2-0: 100T
7th / 8th: FNC / Gen.G
5th / 6th: FPX / 100T
4th: EDG
3rd: LEV
2nd: FUT
1st: PRX

realistically none of my predicted IL winners actually win - but no matter what im predicting a prx win

posted 9 months ago

Both FPX and EDG could make a decent run into playoffs - prob top 6 again will be the limit, competition has improved a lot while china has been going much slower than the rest

posted 9 months ago

apparently the reply button just doesn't exist anymore, good to see you've found it this time

posted 9 months ago

Yes, 1 point for each match win and earnt bye (so top teams in each group will get +1)

posted 9 months ago

when the fuck did i say they were burnt out? reading comprehension stats really maxxed out there SAMP

posted 9 months ago

That is true tbf, they still won against teams lacking competent igls and coaches. I never said they were burnt out just that they played so many maps that competent igls and coaches were able to antistart them rly easily

posted 10 months ago

There is also a world where one of NRG or C9 get a win but SEN leapfrog G2 (they need G2 to lose and to make up a +25 round difference) and C9/NRG

posted 10 months ago

Well mathematically, they are still in it.

NRG and C9 both need to lose their last two games in order to go 3-3. Preferably NRG goes 0-4 to put map difference at +0. C9 at best losing last two games can go 8-9 in map difference. In that case if SEN wins against FURIA 2-0, they go through. If NRG win 2 maps in their last two games, they go through with a +2 map difference. If they win 1 map it will come down to round difference. At best NRG will have a +31 map difference (13-0, 13-11 x4) on which case SEN can only drop 4 rounds against FURIA.

SEN can go through using the 2-win rule, for that to happen, LOUD and EG need to win giving both G2 and NRG wins. They go 4-1 and 4-2 with those wins. SEN wins against FURIA with C9 going 0-2 in their last two matches.

Why the fuck I just did that. Idk? A bit complicated? Yes.

posted 10 months ago

You cant compare a hero shooter with cs2, the amount of practice and time they put into vod reviews and scrims are gonna be way more, compare this to overwatch instead buddy

posted 10 months ago

Lotus recently had been looking HORRIBLE for sen, starting 9-3 and 10-2 down is no way to go for world champs, its atp where teams have enough footage on their lotus, they can really easily counterstrat it.

posted 10 months ago
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