Greatest team of all time

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So i've seen a thread about how Sentinels will be the greatest team of all time if they win champs, wich i thought was stupid at first, but the more i think about it, the more i agree with it. That made me think: What is the greatest team off all time currently? Why?

First of all, we need to establish what "Greatest" means. To me, it's very simple: Consistency + Trophies. Having a peak high enough to win a trophy is great, maintaining that form is even greater.

Also, for "team" i will be considering the org itself, not the roster of players.

With that in mind, lets take the orgs that won something in each year. That would be: Sentinels, Gambit, Acend, Optic, FPX, Loud, Fnatic, EG, GENG. Gambit doesnt exist anymore, same with Optic. Acend is not on tier 1. FPX, like, changed regions? i have no idea what happened to them but doesnt matter they arent the greatest anyway. That leaves:

Sentinels, Loud, Fnatic, EG, GENG (That already makes SEN a minimum top 5 team OAT wich is crazy).

Next lets see how many trophies they each won:

SEN: Americas Kickoff 2024, Masters Reykjavík 2021 and Masters Madrid.
LOUD: Americas League 2023. Champions 2022.
FNATIC: LOCK/IN, Masters Tokyo, EMEA 2024 Stage 1 and EMEA 2024 Stage 2.
EG: Champions 2023.
GENG: Pacific Kickoff 2024, Pacific 2024 Stage 2, Masters Shanghai.

From here, i ask the questions: How valuable is each trophy?

So, we can all agree that Champions > Masters > Regionals, right? But, how big exactly is that gap? Is winning one Champions greater than winning two Masters? This discussion alone could make for an entirely new giant thread. So, to make my life easier, i'm gonna give each trophy an amount of points and go from there:

Champions: 12 points.
Masters and LOCK/IN: 6 points.
2023 League: 3 points.
Stage two: 2 points.
Kickoff and Stage one: 1 point.

You could disagree on that but whatever lets proceed.

With that, this would be the score for each team:

FNATIC and LOUD: 15 Points.
Sentinels: 13 Points.
Evil Geniuses: 10 Points.
Gen G: 9 Points.

It's interesting that this leaves LOUD and FNATIC tied as they are generally the 2 teams that everyone thinks about when they bring this topic up. Also interesting how close Sentinels are to both of them. There's other factors like popularity and podium finishes wich are relevant as well but idgaf i'm tired.


very cool


i think its legit fnatic because they placed well in 2021, placed quite well in 2022, played in a level nobody will beat in 2023 and been playing okayish so far

no other team has had this consistency, let alone single placements


LOUD vs FNATIC is the fated final for Paris
I think you should also consider placements at tournaments. Teams such as Fnatic have a good record at always going somewhat deep at masters/champs, and Loud has 2 second place finishes for example


I would give LOCK/IN 3 points and champions 20 points


doesnt eg have 12 points?

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