You’re the IGL of this mechanically gifted team. You’re averaging a -22 +/- on a whopping 80ACS for the season. But today you’re facing the sentinels and in the first half of the first map, you’re finally fragging. People now say you’re a fragging IGL. You feel good, in fact you’re now talking trash against the opposing team and even standing up, waving your hands, making sure they notice you.
But then the rest of the game plays out, you lost, you posted better numbers this time, probably the best in your entire career. A whopping 120ACS on a -15. You realise you are still useless and will go home re-evaluating your on-stage antics.
You go home and see people bashing you on twitter. You cry to your girlfriend and realise you are a clown for taunting way too early.