You guys can see that no other player has so much expectations on him than Aspas.
Aspas breaks kill record on a single map reddit:
"Every 47 kills of Aspas was set by his team."
Aspas ends the game +12.
"Bad day by aspas this is not normal for him"
Ends the game -1 FK/FD and the whole community is calling him a baiter.
He is like Messi,CR7,Lebron if any of those players win a game with a "good" performance they will be clowned and get hate.
But you guys can see the same people that do this kind of post when their favorite player ends every 2-3 games negative, "ah thats okay we won so thats what matters, ah everyone can have a bad day it doesn't matter my GOAT ended 2/6 FK/FD he is still the GOAT".
Your GOAT can have a mediocre performance and that will be okay if he wins anyway, my GOAT will get clowned if he average +15.
We are not the same.