personally I think you spam a lot of games, when I was super serious about wanting to rank up I played max 5 games a day, in a bo5 style. Basically stop playing when you've either won 3 or lost 3. (counted a draw as a loss). I got from gold to asc in 1 act. obv we're different people, so what works for me might not work for you. Also btw I played on 2 accounts, and I always played on whichever one was lower rr, this helped eliminate any pressure from subconsciously 'losing my peak', so I suggest you'd try that too
Also find a duo, solo queuing is boring as hell, often you will get 2 2 stacks and therefore no comms
also this is a hot take but aim training does more to harm people above like goldish than to help. It teaches you to flick to heads, which is just inefficient, just focus on holding at crosshair height and that makes me aim better, now I'm not the best player, but I can pretty confidently say my aim is decent so I somewhat know what I'm talking about