Original post: https://x.com/Mazinofps/status/1821865905179259232
"I want to express myself about my relationship from 3 years ago. It was a difficult and complicated time for both of us and I regret everything I did wrong and for having created the discomfort I did. We both made mistakes and our actions were not always as supportive or understanding as they should have been between us, obviously I regret it and I learned a lot about everything that happened
I recognize that relationships can be difficult and I take responsibility for not knowing how to act in certain situations. I have been working on improving myself and becoming a better person. I am committed to learning from this experience and to preventing something like this from happening again
Finally, I want to apologize to Nicole for this whole situation that she is also going through, she is a wonderful person and I love her very much
Second post: https://x.com/Mazinofps/status/1821869348295995686?t=bI3ghZ1lDjkQ7y2S8krgOg&s=19
"Regarding the doubts about what happened with my ex-girlfriend,
there were complicated situations in which both of us were a part,
but it did not reach the point of physical abuse as she reflects,
nor have I been notified of any complaint"