lmk if i missed or any mistakes
S-Tier: JingggsFamilyLawyer, thanatos11
A-Tier: swvyboi1, TSMC, lelouch526
B-Tier: Sage-Breach, BulkyLettuce, Simp4S0m
C-Tier: oiiink, dort, sentinelmain377, Shawn23
D-Tier: groomer, NexusNomad, AceGamer30
F-Tier: TSMCFAN, aspas (not a baiter)
if you're too annoying you can be placed low but you can also be placed low if you're just a wannabe baiter but you suck at it if that makes sense
you get placed high for baiting a lot of people without being completely insufferable or being funny
maybe baiters not listed: arin2016, sussybaka, Chunkio, trembolanaRage
washed baiters: babysasuke, nutab1e, thenuturiousPRO,
edits: trembo to maybe baiters, added Shawn23 to C-Tier, added aspas to list, added kyro1 to D-tier, added AceGamer30 to D-Tier