Its just that, EVERY singular time before an international you see hundreds of post on vlr saying that PRX will win the tournament just to hard choke and get rekt and then they all go silent until next split
Always farming their region but cant manage to play like normal human beings on international stage
PRX fans have to be like little kids who watch skibidi toilet on a regular basis, you cant tell me anybody genuinely enjoys watching 5 men just keep pressing W and then get 2v5d on international stages all the time because they play like its deathmatch XDD
The fans will also not hold back to give some of the most shit statements ever like "f0rsaken best flex player" or "Jinggg best duelist itw"
PRX personality is just W GAMING!! (everybody solopeak 1 by 1 on man advantage situations so you can get clips like t3xture 1v5 or asuna 1v4) (ASSuna pulling off a 1v4 in big 2024 is beyond criminal XDDD)
Alecks smashing his desk after every failed round might win some laughs and giggles on tiktok but no trophies lil broskis