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So.... when platchat and many from the na val community were saying that Leviatán was about to collapse as a team, there were problems and factions inside the team and so much more, it was alright, because everyone hates the org and 'but look at the fut match' blah blah. And instead of going and fighting the allegations, the players tanked it and didn't respond directly to the accusations, and let their matches speak for themselves. But, when Dryad goes to Platchat and makes her interpretation of the Cryo's Interview and try to understand within the current 100T context during S2, all of a sudden, it is bad and we need to have every single one of them commenting about the first clip (not the second obviously, because that would give context, and context is bad) and saying how she's telling lies. ????? just take it dude, i really doubt the vibes are good after choking the loud series.
just admit you're hurt egomaniac pig that ain't gonna be on champs. Hopefully your team does not win cause you don't deserve Dryad interviewing you.


So.... when platchat and many from the na val community were saying that Leviatán was about to collapse as a team, there were problems and factions inside the team and so much more, it was alright, because everyone hates the org and 'but look at the fut match' blah blah. And instead of going and fighting the allegations, the players tanked it and didn't respond directly to the accusations, and let their matches speak for themselves. But, when Dryad goes to Platchat and makes her interpretation of the Cryo's Interview and try to understand within the current 100T context during S2, all of a sudden, it is bad and we need to have every single one of them commenting about the first clip (not the second obviously, because that would give context, and context is bad) and saying how she's telling lies. ????? just take it dude, i really doubt the vibes are good after choking the loud series.
just admit you're hurt egomaniac pig that ain't gonna be on champs. Hopefully your team does not win cause you don't deserve Dryad interviewing you.


allat for what bro 😭
So.... when platchat and many from the na val community were saying that Leviatán was about to collapse as a team, there were problems and factions inside the team and so much more, it was alright, because everyone hates the org and 'but look at the fut match' blah blah. And instead of going and fighting the allegations, the players tanked it and didn't respond directly to the accusations, and let their matches speak for themselves. But, when Dryad goes to Platchat and makes her interpretation of the Cryo's Interview and try to understand within the current 100T context during S2, all of a sudden, it is bad and we need to have every single one of them commenting about the first clip (not the second obviously, because that would give context, and context is bad) and saying how she's telling lies. ????? just take it dude, i really doubt the vibes are good after choking the loud series.
just admit you're hurt egomaniac pig that ain't gonna be on champs. Hopefully your team does not win cause you don't deserve Dryad interviewing you.


Womp womp


my region is full of clowns 😭


So.... when platchat and many from the na val community were saying that Leviatán was about to collapse as a team, there were problems and factions inside the team and so much more, it was alright, because everyone hates the org and 'but look at the fut match' blah blah. And instead of going and fighting the allegations, the players tanked it and didn't respond directly to the accusations, and let their matches speak for themselves. But, when Dryad goes to Platchat and makes her interpretation of the Cryo's Interview and try to understand within the current 100T context during S2, all of a sudden, it is bad and we need to have every single one of them commenting about the first clip (not the second obviously, because that would give context, and context is bad) and saying how she's telling lies. ????? just take it dude, i really doubt the vibes are good after choking the loud series.
just admit you're hurt egomaniac pig that ain't gonna be on champs. Hopefully your team does not win cause you don't deserve Dryad interviewing you.



but it aint that deep son, lets not get our feelings hurt shall we?


So.... when platchat and many from the na val community were saying that Leviatán was about to collapse as a team, there were problems and factions inside the team and so much more, it was alright, because everyone hates the org and 'but look at the fut match' blah blah. And instead of going and fighting the allegations, the players tanked it and didn't respond directly to the accusations, and let their matches speak for themselves. But, when Dryad goes to Platchat and makes her interpretation of the Cryo's Interview and try to understand within the current 100T context during S2, all of a sudden, it is bad and we need to have every single one of them commenting about the first clip (not the second obviously, because that would give context, and context is bad) and saying how she's telling lies. ????? just take it dude, i really doubt the vibes are good after choking the loud series.
just admit you're hurt egomaniac pig that ain't gonna be on champs. Hopefully your team does not win cause you don't deserve Dryad interviewing you.


Entonces... cuando platchat y muchos de la comunidad naval decían que Leviatán estaba a punto de colapsar como equipo, había problemas y facciones dentro del equipo y mucho más, estaba bien, porque todos odian a la organización y ' pero mira el fut match' bla, bla. Y en lugar de ir y luchar contra las acusaciones, los jugadores se derrumbaron y no respondieron directamente a las acusaciones, y dejaron que sus partidos hablaran por sí mismos. Pero, cuando Dryad va a Platchat y hace su interpretación de la entrevista de Cryo y trata de comprender el contexto actual de 100T durante el S2, de repente, es malo y necesitamos que todos y cada uno de ellos comenten sobre el primer clip. (obviamente no el segundo, porque eso daría contexto, y el contexto es malo) y decir que está mintiendo. ????? Solo tómalo amigo, realmente dudo que las vibraciones sean buenas después de ahogar la serie ruidosa.
Solo admite que eres un cerdo ególatra herido que no estará en los campeones. Ojalá tu equipo no gane porque no mereces que Dryad te entreviste.


Don haka ... lokacin da platchat da mutane da yawa daga na val al'umma ke cewa Leviatán yana gab da rushewa a matsayin ƙungiya, akwai matsaloli da ƙungiyoyi a cikin tawagar da kuma fiye da haka, yana da kyau, saboda kowa yana ƙin org da ' amma dubi fut match' blah blah. Kuma maimakon su je su yaki zarge-zargen, ’yan wasan sun tanka shi, ba su mayar da martani kai tsaye kan zargin ba, suka bar wasanninsu su yi magana a kansu. Amma, lokacin da Dryad ya tafi Platchat kuma ya ba da fassarar ta Cryo's Interview kuma yayi ƙoƙarin fahimta a cikin mahallin 100T na yanzu yayin S2, kwatsam, yana da kyau kuma muna buƙatar samun kowane ɗayansu yana yin sharhi game da shirin farko. (ba na biyu a fili ba, domin hakan zai ba da mahallin, kuma mahallin ba shi da kyau) da faɗin yadda take faɗin ƙarya. ???? kawai dauka shi dude, Ina da shakka cewa vibes suna da kyau bayan sharar da m jerin.
kawai yarda cewa an cutar da alade mai girman kai wanda ba zai kasance kan gwanaye ba. Da fatan kungiyar ku ba ta ci nasara ba saboda ba ku cancanci Dryad yayi muku tambayoyi ba.


why did u drop this here out of all places 😭😭😭😭


Idk if you're baiting or not but basically everything is ok unless you're talking about NA players/teams usually


p00p0r0x keke

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