i'd have to go with lightningfast on global esports or wild0oreo on team secret
Zellsis Benkai Foxy9 y0y Burger
"yay" goes crazy man.
Like bro you are tricking the casters to root for you. You hit a nice shot the caster goes "YAYYYYY".
All lowecase and shit too non-chalant af
The Guard vs Optic icebox jp casters
Taiga kishi ( the one shouting yaay) is goated caster
it tricks the commentators just as easily into rooting against him when he misses a shot
don't diss my boy fuck c9
chronicle nature icy zest lmemore bunt siufatbb kawaii (holy fuck, this name belongs in tier 2 NA gc)
icy is cold bro wdym, the problem is he doesnt live up to his nick´s expectations
yeah i was harsh on it, zellsis way worse and i didnt put it in
chronicle and nature are good
chronicle has insane aura wut
i fw chronicle and lmemore
chronicle is to cold
runner, what is bro running from?
what is runner running from? the dementia? what is runner running from? the dementia? what is runner running from? the dementia?
I feel like the capital R saves it a bit but runneR still feels very wrong too
b-but he is fast as a lightning⚡😈
Has to be hfmi0dzjc9z7, bro is just spamming his keyboard out of rage.
hfmi0dzjc9z7 has so much aura
You don't fuck with hfmi0dzjc9z7?
what do casters even call him?
alphabet man i think
Me and dort agreeing is crazy
true even tho i love him
Padangrice, bro is hungry when deciding on ign
Boo or Kicks
kicks runner david (not prx but the 9z guy), victor (food >>>) s1mon zellsis tenz zest 😭
TenZed Zombie doesn't approve of this slander.
come on man even inspire is better
Inspire ain't inspiring no one 💀 But you do you, man
inspire is inspiring his way into tier 3
victor has below negative aura
C0m negative aura
lightningfast, polvi
something, like what? did his username is already taken and he must choose "something" else?
Just list bottom players from bottom team
eeiu Enzo xffero SiuFatBB
eeiu is aura
Everything that is a name (Enzo, Ethan, Victor…) except jinggg, somewhat goes hard
snirot victor
The entire Team Secret roster keke
WildOreo is cold bro, its goofy asf but that just adds to the aura
wildoreo is so valid
Something. Bud can't wait 28 seconds
2GE like bruh