There is an insufferable user on this site by the name of BulkyLettuce. He flairs as a PRX fan and posts the most atrocious baits. He is a fake fan and even has an alt flaired as GenG.
Back when he created his account, he created this thread shitting on Jinggg:
Now he glazes jinggg whenever he gets a chance. (example:
He also has an alt called CowRabies26
Responds to himself calling his alt a "normal GenG fan":
Creates a whole thread about his main on his alt(this is not the behavior of a new random user):
Creates another PRX thread on the GenG alt by accident:
To summarize, when you see the username BulkyLettuce or CowRabies26, know that you are interacting with a baiter who doesn't actually care for the teams. He is not a true PRX fan and us PRX fans don't claim him.