Flag: Kiribati
Registered: July 8, 2024
Last post: July 18, 2024 at 12:25 AM
Posts: 125
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OMG is Jacob whiteaker

posted 1 month ago

Nice address

posted 1 month ago

did he just throw something on stage?

posted 1 month ago

They're so sad I love it

posted 1 month ago

legit everyone but this team wins with this agent

skill issue im afraid

posted 1 month ago

maybe its bec SEN is ass so people frag out against them

posted 1 month ago

Some of you guys might want to work on your reading comp

posted 1 month ago

Im gonna lie, Sen is probably gonna bounce back and take champs anyways

posted 1 month ago

I know these guys wannt punch boostio rn

posted 1 month ago

No wonder they suck ass NAVI spent all their time preping haven and haven only

posted 1 month ago

How tf does bro have 5 FD as init

posted 1 month ago

Looking like me out there

posted 1 month ago

I had a stroke a died reading this

posted 1 month ago

bro they playing against SEN

lets not get ahead of ourselves

posted 1 month ago

Even the worst pros can frag out against plat players

posted 1 month ago

nvm he hasn't gotten a kill in like 8 rounds

posted 1 month ago

I was in a call with tyson last night

He told me SEN were vod reviewing FNC and he wanted to mimic chronicle's star power

posted 1 month ago

and I was using it before him

TenZ wants to be me so bad lmao

posted 1 month ago

bros tryna be chronice so bad lmao

Poor mans chronicle

posted 1 month ago

He will dominate map 1 before becomming shit

posted 1 month ago

Its clear from the walkout that they don't fw each other

posted 1 month ago

redgar will show NA what true fragging is

posted 1 month ago

Im ready for rostermaia

posted 1 month ago

drag0n r0nger g0ming

posted 1 month ago

damn I forgot they existed ngl

posted 1 month ago

maybe you can but I can't

posted 1 month ago

I can't put someone who has never won anything as the "best"

posted 1 month ago

NA - c0m or crashies

SA - sacy

Emea- Leo or shao

Pacific - idk lakia but this region doesn’t really have any notable inits

posted 1 month ago

yeah, which takes a toll on his calling

posted 1 month ago

when you realize you can have a high fb rate while being a baiter

posted 1 month ago

or maybe its because they just got replaced with better players

posted 1 month ago

This is very sad and I wish the best for sacy and his family

However, there should be no excuse for him to not do his job over a pet that is already gone

If he is taking a break for this reason, it is very irresponsible of him and tarnishes the hard work of his teamates

posted 1 month ago

You're right, I might have been too generous towards AP*C

posted 1 month ago

if thats the case he might be a snowflake ngl

posted 1 month ago

let it go bruh they're pretty fucking shit rn

posted 1 month ago

if you dropped curry into the apac shitter t3 reigon he would farm them 1v5 100 frags every round

posted 1 month ago

Man I cannot wait to shit on whoever loses tomorrow

posted 1 month ago

WTF was that throw? Especially against that eco wtf was that

They might actually be match fixing

posted 1 month ago

Surely they couldn't be worse than americas

posted 1 month ago

With all the major reigons looking beyond mid, could this be china's chance to win champs?

posted 1 month ago

Never beating the allegations

posted 1 month ago

Come to NAVI Leo, we have the best pregnancy doctors and will make sure your future kid is well taken care of

posted 1 month ago

Especially you henry

posted 1 month ago

Come to Navi, we have much better players than the bums on vitality

posted 1 month ago

do you guys also make out with each other

posted 1 month ago

Post a pic I’m sure if ur not too ugly someone desperate enough will hit you up

posted 1 month ago

Like what happens when pros retire

Surely the money you earn playing games isn’t enough for you to do nothing for the rest of your life, so you have to go back to work.

I know some of them turn to streaming and others work for game companies/coach, but what happens to the rest?

Like you have these 30 to mid 30 year old dudes many of whom have been doing nothing but playing games since they were kids with no higher education so they can’t possibly get a good job. So what do they do?

It’s kinda funny imagining random Val pros taking my Burger King order some 20 years down the line

posted 1 month ago

we can't send him to a mid team or else he will become the next potter (potential woman)

Great mind with shit pieces

posted 1 month ago

god forbid that happens or I might have to don the nrg flair

posted 1 month ago

I would prefer this roster to stay together even if it might not be the best one possible

posted 1 month ago
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