Hot take on champs > masters

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Sure prize pool is greater in champs, but since champs has more teams attending, doesn’t the overall quality of teams attending decrease? A 12 team tournament only has the top 3 teams from each region, but a 16 team tourney could have the 4th best team from a region. This would mean that if you get lucky with draws you could face lower tier opponents and still make a good run. Wouldn’t this mean difficulty wise a masters has harder teams than champs?


Teams are better by the end of the year and the meta is defined or teams have a definite identity of what they want to do.


Your first point is correct, but meta are defined by updates not by yearly cycles
Meta is always changing and teams will adapt, several champs have had agent/meta/map changes immediately before
But yeah I could see the team experience trumping team quality


I mean meta as in what team's think is the best for them or the best in terms of util usage. Like certain shock lineups or oneways.


I’m not gonna lie brother that’s a reach, micro plays rarely make a huge difference in gameplay as opposed to overall map theory (like what parts of the map are important to control etc) which is dependent on when a map is released than overall time


Micro plays are important because they can help you take the important map control. They obviously matter less than map theory but they're an important part of team play that we ultimately see the best teams do. Also, every map that has come before a Champs was released 1 1/2 to 3 months before the Champs started.


this is flat out wrong on so many levels


Pearl 2022, Abyss 2024


Pearl was released before Copenhagen started and Abyss 2 months before champs would even start.


Champs is more difficult:

  • More prep time/motivation to win.
  • Sure there’s a 4th seed in the pool, but 90% of them just end up getting grouped. In generals it’s quite rare that a region has more than 2 teams moving pass a stage.
  • Even then if a team was to go on a run besting the “easy” teams, they’d just end up getting exposed when they eventually meet a 1st/2nd seed.
  • Say based on luck a team manages to draw bottom 2 seeds out of China, absolutely demolishes them, then meets Gen G. Their run doesn’t get easier, but even harder when they get sent to lowers and are forced to face 3-4 more Gen G. Tier teams (Sen, PRX, Heretics, FNC).
  • Champs is miles more exhausting with the format, especially if you’re not a 1st seed.

Wdym by more prep time?

Exactly, they get grouped because a team gets a much easier win against them. That team that beat them may have gotten grouped if they weren’t attending.

Sure, but that still allows teams to make deep runs into tournaments. Even a top tier team having to constantly struggle vs good teams will burn out faster and give up more strats than if they are fed easy opponents.

Sorry I’m slow rn, why is champs more exhausting? Isn’t it more fair now that first seeds don’t get advantages?


Teams between qualifying for masters. and qualifying for champs, there is a longer break

Even if that team gets easily grouped against them, it's still additional mental exhaustion, the more games you play the more exhausted/tired you become. Think about it from an actual athlete standpoint, like if LeBron was to play 3 games back to back to back, he'd be sore/tired leaving him prone to making more mistakes. With the additional pressure of not getting beaten by shit teams.

Champs is a far longer tournament, just because top seeds from each region automatically qualify doesn't make it any shorter. Far more games are played at Champs than at masters.

Champs is a harder tournament and justifying masters off the fact there are less teams solely is fucking brain dead.


very good explanation


I disagree that because fewer teams attend, then only the best teams are the ones that qualify.
Like Loud qualified to Madrid, but they are not the second best team in Americas, and Na'Vi didn't qualify to a single event despite (at the start of the year) being quite good.
Also, everyone on this site has been complaining about how shit single elim playoffs has been, because a fluke team could go on a run where they dont deserve to make it.


most champs teams are playing their best
teams that didn't attend a masters gave it their all at the end of the season to make champs
teams have the best synergy
team comps are the best because teams know what each player is best at

this year tho idk could be a mid champs if KC, EDG, 100t, etc are qualifying
le0 f0ria's stupid points system rewards "consistent" teams and allows teams that are currently shit (like the aforementioned teams) to make champs


We remember Masters winners now because there's been very few events. But in the long run I feel like Masters will be seen kind of like an IEM and only champs as a Major


The groups are made according to the teams placement in their respective leagues so I don't exactly think they get an easy run. Rather I think it's harder because of more teams = more matches and champions is the highest level of valorant esports so any slight mistake and they definitely lose.

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