title yes
i actually dont know how to lmao
sadge :(
You should’ve said : buy mitch
no cause mitch is too good and too expensive for eg, he is more expensive than EG themselves
Go back 10 months and sign entire Moon Racoons roster + potter (as a coach) Eventually replace FIEND with Boostio/Thief and Rebo with stellar
Team: ALEKSANDER Temperature Pr0phie Stellar Boostio/Thief
-Brehze -Stanislaw -CeRq -michu -oBo +Stewie2K +FalleN +NAF +grim +EliGE
valorant roster but sure i guess
maybe should've kept potter as player role, and then signed the EG CS roster
Cut the internet of the rest of the teams in the world
-roca -pho -Reformed +Temperature +corey +Steel Boostio, corey, Temperature, Branted and Steel = tier 1 team :)