Post your vision for a super team that would win all three internationals next year. You only get one import. Here’s mine:
Wo0t (Import)
Potter-head coach (She takes shitties to champions, and shes doing it again. litterally created an unbeatble fracture comp/strats and perfected almost every map in 23, only reason she hasnt this year is because shes more focused on the building up the players-something that wont be an issue with this roster)
Jawgemo-duelist (i put him over aspas/texture/zekken because he can play raze jett neon and litterally any role at champion level-he litterally won champs on smokes)
Saadhak-flex igl (man can play ANY agent/role at top level while being the best igl itw-he creates hella comps and strats that make up the meta)
Forsaken-flex (between him and saadhak, there is no comp that this team cant play, forsaken can play almost every agent, and the ones he cant saadhak can)
Kingg-smokes (this man is one of the best aimers itw while igling, without it he will go crazy)
Less-sentinel (no question this man is the best itw at kj and viper, and his cypher is world class)