summary: valorant needs third party events and ideally those events should mean something prizepool wise or riot eco system wise so that the teams will actually care about it else till the franchised league has a substantial amount of teams involved it will be the same thing over and over
Cs doesn’t have a format per se… teams do their best to be at the creme de la crème of events aka majors(x2 a year), cologne, Katowice…
After that Pro league is a chill out type sitch over a couple of weeks, esl partners get invited then the rest of the spots are split to other smaller tourneys and they runners up as well as esl ranking.
Blast also run their stuff on the side but in a more convoluted way that lead to spring, fall and world finals
Iem/ esl dallas, Chengdu etc are invites and qualifier based that teams can decline to take a break etc
Esl also run tier 2 leagues across all the regions…
There’s the weplay, res regionals…. Basically a tonne of tier 2-3 tourneys to let those guys showcase their stuff as well as the t1 teams can use to get back into a groove after a break etc