Nah unlike the mimosa prophet bullshit thread, he actually got some fair points
Edit: until he brings up politics into this lmao never fucking mind. what a dumbass
The mimosa one is not that deep, it's literally just for content. "giving false hope for the fans" is bullshit, those are just gimmick. I'm not gonna disregard blazek1ng professionalism(his tweets) btw, that was embarrassing and a huge blunder from him
And the jojo dude is a massive hypocrite, if the one blazek1ng said count as racism, then the one he said is way worse. It's so bad that if I continue this I might actually get banned lol
Not truly, I was never a big fan of this shitty roster when they announced in late 2023, that they are gonna make a roster full of igl and one import duelist + a regional duelist/flex/sentinels. I already knew and many of us knew this roster is gonna be a complete disaster due to players. Ngl, the coaching staff gets blamed for their roster but when the roster is filled with 60% of players who can't even shoot back at their opponents, do you really expect them to qualify for champion. Moreover, getting a new Indian roster 3/4 young T2 indians( such as deadly10, 1TapGod, tricky, venka, kohlii, CortezZ, master, levi1) and 1 import or regional T2 SEA star duelist/ranked demon will be much better than this dogshit roster. We would rather lose with a regional roster than a T1 so called washed player igl experienced team with plastic mechanical aim. Also the coaches are the one who get this weak player and obviously the coaches needs to be changed !!
Holy brainrot
there a 2 paths you can go with this:
either you assume that exclusively Indians shit on him and his team (5 second glance at vlr will already tell you this is false but whatever) -> he said that Indians were the most stupid fans
but then its not racism, then its just him calling them the most stupid fans due to his current experience. There is no prejudice leading to discrimination, because the very post the twitter-user is complaining about shows that he would think the exact same of any other fanbase if they treated him like that.
or you can read and see that hes talking about the GE fanbase as a whole -> he found out that other fans are just as bad/worse than Indonesian fans
but then theres the problem that youre no longer talking about a single race
The only race he made a generalized statement on were Indonesians, so until they get upset/perceive it as racsim theres no racism problem here
Tweets like this are just prove that if you have to assume the worst in someone at every step to come to your conclusion you shouldnt press post. You dont have a point, youre being an asshole trying to justify yourself.