I extend this to you in a public manner to demonstrate my genuine and open desire to repair our relationship. I will be honest, your shit bangs, so I had to steal it. You are too funny and creative to NOT rip-off, but I realize this will come across as disingenuous. I invite you to come to the Eaton Center today to hug it out.
You are actually just a normal guy who happens to love TMV and Valorant. To hate this is to hate oneself, for you are just as much a member of this community as anyone else. Also, you are based for your Palestinian flag. I hope CanadaMan can realize that I am also just a kid at their work desk, wanting to make it big on my favourite website: VLR :(. I did it in unethical ways, by plagiarizing his work.
CanadaMan, I promise to reform and leave you alone entirely, bettering myself in the process. Though this may not be effective in making amends, at least know that this was not generated by ChatGPT. I am sorry, CanadaMan.