Unless ethan steps up, and victor becomes consistent at fragging, this roster severely lacks firepower. I would love to get on victor as duelist hype train but he’s always inconsistent. 2023 NRG had the same problem, not enough firepower.
ethan at his best was a top level support player, he didn’t take over games, same for victor he was a great entry but rarely the carry
crashies had his moments but he would mainly have consistent high impact rather than being a star performer
in optic yay and marved were the ppl that would bang out big numbers for the team, now that combined duty is on s0m. kinda sus
if s0m has a shit performance do you think the rest of the team can pull through against a top team? i don’t
unironically I think they should move s0m over to duelist (or at least jett) 🗿victor's duelist has looked good but I feel like he's usually better on more supportive characters like kayo or killjoy. I think he'd do just fine on smokes (or they can have ethan on smokes and victor flex for the maps s0m plays jett on)