It was already said by brazilian journalists that the players from Hero Base are hard to negotiate because they're a very united team and the org believe on them winning Ascension
But let's see what will happen
não boto minha mão no fogo por ele, mas tuyz já fazia highlight naquela TBK duvidosa... quando ele foi chamado pra ser controlador na LOUD ele já era duelista
o kon4n era melhor q o tuyz naquela tbk e highlight até o gaabx fazia
alias o qck era melhor q o tuyz mesmo jogando nas msm roles q o tuyz, jett e chamber
tuyz jogava num time q so tinha newba por isso matava um pouco mais, e o time jogava pra ele dando mt suporte, e o kd dele nem era mt bom assim pra um duelista
He is saying that NA challenger teams exist like Brazil stand no chance no reason for hero base to keep their players if they are not gonna win because NA Challenger will win because of better teams like M80, OXG, TSM, MxS
yeah idk if they would rather kill the team by selling their igl and star duelist and get a bag or potentially win ascension and more tournaments and possibly get a bigger bag, but obv depends on the team chem and allat
I mean saadhak talked about flexibility, but qck didn't play anything other than raze and jett and the failed phoenix and yoru techs, so most ppl would expect an actual entry