How many times do you brush your teeth each day? When do you brush your teeth? Asking because I don’t want to have bad teeth.
2 times, 7am 11pm
if you do it once do it at night right before bed
nice username
i only brush them once before i go to bed... my teeth are clean asf. if u only brush once a day make sure you brush at night because its way more important to not sleep with shit in between your teeth
i brush twice, once in the morning... and once in the evening
beb0p stfu stop farming upfrags, not even related to valorant
then dont't have teeth
no teeth = bad teeth 👎
Teeth are a scam from the orthodontic industry. Smack them down onto a table and free your soul from their chains.
have you never brushed your teeth ever? holy fuck you must be incredibly dumb in real life. I never want to see you at lan
look at #3 dumbass
big text****
twice, one morning one at night but always make sure brush at night
jk ily beb0p
I hate you, you post this and ever since 5 hours ago it feels like I got a wisdom teeth coming out and I can't sleep