Stop twerkin on that dick fr.
Where theres smoke theres fire...
And with yay nearly 10 people have already signalled they think he is a piece of shit. How many more are still silent?
You can argue argue argue all you want but this should be the end for yay. 3 consecutive massive failures (at least partially due to his toxicity), playing terribly individually for over 2 years atp and having your fake wholesome persona being exposed....
I think yay is gonna retire after being dropped by bleed. And not even his band of friends running PR for him is gonna be enough to save him this time. All of em by the way thinking that leaking a scrim vid is a morally more detestable act than bribing a coach to drop your teammate.... Really great lads they are! I should surely listen to their opinions!!!
Yay is a c*nt, yay is washed chamber onetrick, yay is over.
Yay retirement 2025.