If he picks Skye instead of Raze liquid win that.
Not only as a comp decision but Soulcas Skye much better than his Raze
They wouldn't enter a site a single time if they had no raze lol
yh if the comp doesnt have raze jett loses her dash right
jett dash on bind is just about useful as your comment here
Immortal 1 but even if i were bronze, 90% of teams not using Jett on bind proves my point lol
I agree, Liquid needs a Skye in Bind. If soulcas wants to Raze, ScreaM should use Skye.
or phoenix
Phoenix has no info utility
Yeah, in the current meta, phoenix is a troll pick, but if Scream feels more comfortable in the Phoenix over the Skye, he should play him
they had sova for that
Also his flashes are dogs hit compared to skye
It is impossible to not dodge a Phoenix flash
There’s a reason why Skye was the most picked agent on bind in Berlin. Not having it is just trolling
liquid is always trolling with comps they never go with meta comp they want to be unique for whatever stupid reason
he was such a good skye.