bro can someone break down why the fuck T1 are playing TF top? i stopped watching for a couple of months so idk how this man found his way to the toplane like this. Is this a T1 only thing? is toplane really that dead for this season?
oh my god its so ass, tell me that pick isn't meta. Viper legit popped him like a balloon in the game winning fight but tbf Zeus did miss the gold card. Wouldn't change the outcome tho
T1 fucked it up because they thought they had a big enough gold lead to take a traditional 5v5 engage lol, that teamfight was lost for them no matter what. Look at how badly Guma was zoned out. HLE wins that every time idk what T1 were thinking
to be honest i want to watch league because it looks fun and the crowd gets so hype but i've only played 2-3 games of it in my life and i don't understand any of it.