fnc loud
edg th
nothing else is close tbh
there are lower finals which are giga bangers tho like
drx optic 22 champs
prx loud 23 champs
optic fpx masters cph
eg prx masters tokyo
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Registered: | June 10, 2022 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 10:24 AM |
Posts: | 3182 |
fnc loud
edg th
nothing else is close tbh
there are lower finals which are giga bangers tho like
drx optic 22 champs
prx loud 23 champs
optic fpx masters cph
eg prx masters tokyo
happens to every top team taht wins a trophy and fumbles but somehow this critisim is labeled as racism and china haters LMFAOOO
he is the emea zellsis
good vibes
good agent pool
makes teammates play better
abuses game mechanics like running and gunning , phantom smoke spams etc perfectly
almost always makes a good decision in weird mid rounds
nah back in 22 boaster was actually like a ai robot
and ange1 was throwing rounds liek crazy
fns was averaging like -10 per series back then and now he is managing -20 per map
its lowkey sad
i remember he used to talk shit about boaster and ange1 saying he would never play this bad no matter how much he called
and now here we are
just should have retired after 2023 , bro is doing this shit half assed and its obvious
he is overrated by eg 23 fans
but saying he isnt top 10 americas player is just a stretch
its also funny when people talk about the elite jump when shao literally wasted breach ult on a eco 4v5 round
if ur just starting i would say just play support role
and play supports like blitzrank / lux depending on if u want melee or ranged character
mid and jg the most impactful roles in the game so i would say learn the game fundamentals then go play those roles
adc is prolly mechanically the hardest so would not recommend if ur just starting the game but if u can space its very easy aswell
u hyperfocusing on neon movement in low elo when so many other agents are also strong in low elo
what parallels , we have had broken agents like release astra / release chamber / viper harbor pre nerfs and even recently broken ISO which completely changed the way game was played
but ur problem is with the neon otps in low elo?
just seems like ur used to the classic tac fps so when u see a new running mechanics u instantly resist it
bro aint no way u comparing neon movement to legal aimbot
its very clear epic games have VERY DIFFERENT philosophies on what competitive gaming / esports is ,
they have the "all should have equal chance regardless of skill" mentality
also epic games notoriously known for not caring about what pros want and actively making the game random to give worse players a chance
oh ya laz aswell , TS might also change their core
atleast now the next gen pros will all be from originating from valorant
derke left fnc
sacy and tenz retire
loud core broke up
nrg core broke up
navi core broke up
prx might end up changing roster aswell
ya ur right bro
let me just forget all the facts and straight up cope cuz sen lost and ur sad
let me just disregard geng/heretics year , or edg/lev/heretics runs at champs to glaze sen
some people thought eg had a better year right after champs
regardless ,
for a team that won 2/3 events and ended 4th at champs (losing 13 maps the entire year) even their fans didnt make posts like this glazing the team saying "they are top 3 itw" after losing to the better teams
"easily top 3 teams atm" ended 4th and edg lev heretics are all better
geng / heretics also having better years
what are these sen posts xdd
not even fnc flairs were making post after their 2023 season
what are these made up scores
they lost icebox and got destroyed on abyss
thank god ardiis didnt join fnc rejects
thats just fanboys tho , saw some people are putting tenz / sacy above derke in their top 5s xdd
almost anyone who actually follows the game knows he hasnt had a mvp level performance at a international/ or trophies to match with chronicle
but calling him a baiter cuz he isnt hard int entrying is really funny
def think he needs to be a little more aggro on attack but overall agree teams found out how to play against star duelist players
lmao vlr people only look at stats tahts why im even more suprised they turned on aspas
i know this happens to every good popular player
but when did statspas / aspas baiter allegations start?
his attack stats are actually criminal took 0 first duels
their map pool needs to be insane with 2 map bans and first pick
not decent , thats what cost prx last year
if lev win uppers and they dont win champs thats a bigger fumble than prx last year tbh
doesnt matter if they dont have a good map pool for bo5
if they win this series im hoping they dont end up like prx from last year champs
fnc have always been dominating emea so doesnt really matter (leagues are harder than open circuit tho)
agree to disagree , def think with leo they would done better at champs and better at shanghai if they didnt get unlucky with geng
but cant argue with facts their 2022 had better placements
they did had a very rough year but still dont think they need roster changes
maybe just add more analysts / coaches and try more shit in the offseason
only if he if he aims
he always gets caught with util out in the hand
watch heretics lose to drx
this game is a coinflip
yall got here cuz u won 4/4 pistols and bonus vs geng pls stop complaining
chamber meta was fun cuz atleast 2 people in lobby had pop off potential
and everyone ran so many diff comps
that meta clears this boring ass retake meta
chronicle literally
plays more agents
plays those agents better
helps with 2nd calling
shoots better now aswell
in what world is f0rsaken even comparable
its kiles
then dapr
who would have thought making the game a retake simulator with shit maps will lower the level of play
kinda expected blg to stomp so didnt watch
cant wait for today's series
got caedrel on my 2nd monitor
the lck game doesnt matter tho
geng guaranteed 1st seed
and hle guaranteed 2nd seed xdd
every neutral fans wants a series with 2 big names to go the distance
only matches where i want a team to stomp are usually bilibili or kru games tbh
viper depends on map
raze / any initator is massive giga troll
what does elon musk and ben affleck have to do with fans
but the arena was nice
best production is still china tho
can u not comprehend what i said? why u bringing in random points no shit changing players make a difference but it wouldnt be better for prx is what i said
also saying this after sen beat them with the new comp is just funny