not good if sen lose man, dont try and use the same excuse as loud they actually have a good case for it
if sen lose, proves it's a mickey mouse tourney
ur getting ahead of ur self buddy
no lies
No he’s not
Its the truth
even if sen win its a mickey mouse tourney
mickey mouse tourney fluke win
nt lil bro but ur pushing it
said what i said
copenhagen kek
most legit tourney ever
best masters ever KEKW go cry LOUD FAN
freeu 🥱
it actually is good, they got 6 champ points already, time to iron things out
why does there need to be an excuse for either team. nrg and loud are not far from eachother and IMO nrg is better. 100t is not some trashcan team they are actually good. straight copers thinkin they arent
no prac, jet lagged igl who is fasting shit happens
sen needs a week to get back to full strength
they wont lose
wish i could delete this now, i called sen haters when i didnt want to sadge
We have her lagged player no prac bro format fked us idk how people can be this braindead Give us some reps well own
In the case of loud, what is the problem?
were stuck in a diff country cuz of visa stuff
that too they got in at 10pm the day before their match or something
only johnqt
There is no excuse, the other regions are just not competitive against the skill level of Americas…