might be forgetting some names but: IGL: fns Smokes: s0m duelist: scream senti: babyj init: bonecold
s0m clears
replace babyj or bonecold with pancada lmao double controller is literally meta
both those guys are better its not 2022
bonecold is literally a retired grandpa what are you on about
person born in 1998 is a grandpa now ig
yes he's from last century and officially retired lmao
cut babyj and add a random guy from ranked and ur golden
duelist: sideshow initiator: sick igl: shahzam controller: blackelespanolito sen: kyedae
scream duelist flex: fns init: any number of FA's in NA VCL main controller: s0m viper duty: pancada
Sentinel/Viper : FNS Controller: pAncada Duelist: s0m Flex: Subroza Initiator: sinatraa
Bonecold retired i think
This wouldn't work if make ascension though, because ScreaM/Bonecold would both be imports. Also, why tf would you pick up babyj of all players? lmao
Sentinel: k1Ng.