but why though
Your American abomination is considered carbonated piss where actual Budweiser is from, calling that tasteless corn broth beer is insulting. It's an imitation of beer for people who don't want to drink beer but for some reason desire to gaslight themselves into thinking that's what they're drinking. It's the beer equivalent of plant-based meat.
As per usual when it comes to Americans, you seem to have confused "the world" with "USA". As someone who comes from a country where (by far) the most beer per capita is drunk (and knows what actual beer tastes like), let me tell you that not a single soul in Europe (that's where beer happens to be from) thinks of the American malt lemonade when Budweiser is mentioned. Has it not crossed your mind that when something goes by a German name for a Czech town there's a solid chance it doesn't come from America?
as an NA fan they'll be back. Yes they obviously could have played better, but they got really unlucky with the format. Made it to the playoffs of their region but still only got to play the same amount of games as teams who lost twice in a row. When you have a chance of any type, especially head coach, you just need the reps
Because Derke and Boaster kept on making excuses for their loss. When they lost to KC b0tster reasoned out that they lost because KC comp was apparently bad, and b0tke said they would’ve beaten every team except loud in Champs.
Literally these fucking bots think they are good even though they were only carried by leo alfajer and chronicle they had 0 trophies before them lol shit players one is a fraudulent duelist and one thinks he can tiktok dance his way through champs
There is no hate, tbh. Boaster is befriended with many NA and APAC players and Derke is just baiting as everyone else of us here. In the end people should never mix up trashtalk in Valorant with racist idiots... that's something totally different... but some kiddos sadly don't understand that and think that Derke or whoever might actually mean their trashtalk seriously.
Again: Baiting and trashtalk in E-Sports is absolutely part of the game. Best example is still Boostio trashtalking everyone at Tokyo Masters and then playing PIng-Pong with everyone in the hotel lobby when not playing matches.
Fnatic Boaster at lock in and Tokyo (Carried by 4 mechanical beasts and now that the shooters are in a slump, his igling is getting exposed)
Fnatic Boaster at lock in and Tokyo (Carried by 4 mechanical beasts and now that the shooters are in a slump, his igling is getting exposed)
Fnatic Boaster at lock in and Tokyo (Carried by 4 mechanical beasts and now that the shooters are in a slump, his igling is getting exposed)
Fnatic Boaster at lock in and Tokyo (Carried by 4 mechanical beasts and now that the shooters are in a slump, his igling is getting exposed)