dude missed jinggg so much he became jingg himself on raze 💀💀💀
jingg was literally inside him
Huh? 🤨
ww..w.w whattt
not the first time mmhmhmh
sorry im jusst aahh just kind of ahhh mhhmh happy righ aaaa right now aahh now mhmh both teams i love are still in mhmh
bro please go outside
no its time to play league with my ekitten >.<
they fused
Stop bringing up this shit up bro. Faker did this for 4 years straight and won 3 champs and 2 masters and then lead a team to a champs as an igl 6 years later. f0rsaken is insane but he's NOWHERE near Faker YET
hes on the same pathway im js manifesting and predicting it
He's definitely the greatest flex ever. He's world-class on basically any agent
not yet on Cypher