Wait so who's playing 2nd Controller if Bang is on Viper? Boostio sentinel Asuna flash/raze Eeiu recon Cryo duelist
100T is FUCKED
Double controller typically doesnt do recon AND flash initiators, they would run Skye instead. You could plug the roles you just listed into any team and it would look bad, simply because its not the roles that any team would ever use
Wait so who's playing 2nd Controller if Boaster is on Viper? Alfajer sentinel Chronicle flash Leo recon Derke duelist
chronicle flexes into viper
idk why you got downvoted this is literally what happens in their double controller comps
boostio, although the double controller meta might dying loooooooooowkey
asuna wa playing some harbor so maybe him
cryos played omen before
Wild guess: I think cryo might be switching to sentinel and boostie goes on duelist.
For secondary smoke role it’ll probably be Asuna I’ve seen him playing omen and harbor lately
ma boy whatever ur taking gimme that shit lmao, i need it before watching my team crumble again
I don’t think you’re serious, but if you are:
Double Controller Non-Sentinel comp (think typical Bind meta): bang & Boostio will play controllers
Double Controller with Sentinel comp (think typical Icebox comp): bang & Asuna will play controllers