If anyone can inform me as to whether lower ranked hated skye enough to make this happen thats honestly the only logic I can see outside of:
This wasn't agent balancing this was meta assassination. That in and of itself is not a bad thing, its what the game is at a fundamental level and people have been doing what they can to make it more like Counterstrike-perfectionist esque.
My issue is that skye isn't even op the other initiators just suck at reliability comparatively. Obviously sova/kayo have their maps with things skye could never do which is what is supposed to happen with balancing. I didn't think we were ready for this conversation yet but apparently Riot is ready to go into this territory: Initiators should not have 1 basically constant cooldown timer for their signature abilities.
Breach is a much easier agent to make the point with, Viper counters breach comps bc breach can take a line 3 times a round at best. that number could be increased to at least 4,5(in drawn out rounds with bomb down) before it gets into super broken territory. Especially with how often initiator util is used off cooldown, that should've been the start imo bc the comps that will follow skye meta just aren't as reliable. Theres nothing that will be changed about that before some of the biggest games in our careers for some of us.
I'm vibing im "that weird comp guy" anyway in NA so, ill figure it out. The guaranteed flash popping is terrible and that should be reverted and the person who wants that needs a pay cut. That is just terrible at every level we shouldn't need to make people hate an agent to put them in the ground the rest of it will do enough.