My teammate was kind enough to clip this. I'm the Yoru.
its not bad in a sense that it isnt something you should never do, but only do it if you are committing to a fight/know you have better weaponry. If you crouch instantly after you peak like in this clip it means you have little to no chance of going back behind cover. If he didn't get the collat at the end he most likely would have died because he was crouch spraying and would have been traded off.
As someone who crouch sprays a lot, I can say I just aim worse when I insta crouch. Crouching means you can't move yourself and spraying means you aren't as focused on landing the headshot. Sometimes you'll get lucky and get the shot or spray down, but good players will just sidestep and one-tap you. Also, I find that when I stop crouching and focus more on movement and tap or burst shooting, I aim a lot better.
Derke and Chronicle are very rare examples, you're not looking at all the other pros but sure.
It's not a good habit to have, especially if you're playing on the lower elos where their aim at your d1ck. Spraying is also not good in general, regardless of the rank.
"bronze ass tiktok coach" it's just the way it is, why do you take such offense over it? Oh wait, BR.