Someone else created a thread earlier about his top 25 list for NA so I thought I'd make my own.
- TenZ
- Yay
- Crashies
- ShahZaM
- Asuna
- SicK
- Ethan
- leaf
- dapr
- nitr0
- Marved
- YaBoiDre
- depph
- zekken
- Wardell
- corey
- ShoT_UP
- Victor
- Vanity
- Zellsis
- BcJ
- fns
- autimatic
- eeiu
- Zombs
HM: steel, PureR, Shawn, NiSMO
It's definitely not a great list but I think it's decent. Part of me feels that ShahZaM and Wardell should be higher than they are but ShahZaM is individually worse than the top 3(especially based on his Berlin performance which wasn't shit but it wasn't great) and his sova util is honestly shit. Seeing him try to shock dart wood on Havan C site from CT and mess up every time for example just was wasted utility for such a simple shock dart. ShahZaM is still #4 because he is a great jett, awper and is the best IGL in NA. Honestly, I like the top 15 but after that it got very difficult and I'm not a huge fan of it but it's decent. Also I can totally see players like autimatic, Zellsis, zekken and leaf go even higher in the future based on their potential(autimatic has been improving so much, Zellsis has only played like 2 series since Reykjavik so it's hard to determine, zekken is young af and leaf just switched to jett). Thoughts?