Flag: United States
Registered: April 1, 2021
Last post: August 22, 2022 at 7:32 PM
Posts: 303
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1 Chipotle
T-2 In-N-Out
T-2 Five Guys
4 Canes
5 Popeyes

HM: DQ, Wing Stop, Quiznos

posted about 2 years ago

My school just got an Esports team this past year and unfortunately FPS games may not be best for middle/high schoolers because of concern from parents about guns. The games that were "finalists" for the Esport to play in the region was Rocket League, LoL, and either Madden or FIFA( I can't remember which). The most requested game and the one in which already had a high school scene in my region/state was Super Smash Bros. I recommend you ask the Administrator to send out a poll to students asking which Esports people are interested if you are trying to compete. Good Luck!

posted about 2 years ago

you must be new here

posted about 2 years ago

snirot needs to get on a bigger team immediately. guy is cracked

posted about 2 years ago

nozoki ana + velvet kiss = best "smut" mangas and both are in his favourites

a true man of culture

posted about 2 years ago

holy shit! I'm so happy for him!!! I've been following him since january '21 and seeing the progress and grind get rewarded makes me so happy for him.

posted about 2 years ago

you didn't have to but it definitely sounds better now :)

posted about 2 years ago

bruh this wording πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

in case u didn't know, grooming in english commonly refers to how older men manipulate teens (boy or girl) into a relationship. ik what u meant, but using the words 'groom' and 'teen' in a single sentence usually has negative connotations

posted about 2 years ago

That's not the point I was trying to make. I even agreed with the OP. I just meant to say that this game against V1 was not a good example to use as a "big" game.

posted about 2 years ago

I don't disagree wit u in that he is vastly overrated, but this game was legit a seeding match; it has such little importance compared to "big" games.

posted about 2 years ago

ronaldo prolly convinced him yesterday to do it but as a Saints fan what little hope I had for this season has lessened significantly

posted about 2 years ago

I have been in an eerily similar situation where I had way too many manga that I had read, didn't talk to anyone, treated ppl around me like shit, preferred texting over socializing, masturbating too much. The first thing I did was quit cold turkey over the manga and anime. I deleted all of the apps off of my phone and went into parental controls to physically block sites where I could access them. I'm assuming your in school, so I would also suggest joining clubs, volunteering, and just finding hobbies that will do more help than harm. Like other people said, going to the Gym is very helpful, but it's also a hard commitment to make, so you don't have to force yourself on a strict regimen. Maybe set a goal like twice a week or smth. On your fear of people thinking that you're pathetic: try to not to pay attention to them. Try to find people who accept you, and stick with them. If you can't find any irl using school, try socializing with people in a hobby (one reason why I recommend volunteering). Finally, if you're old enough, and this is going to sound very strange but, find a part time job. Doesn't have to be a service job, but that could also be beneficial. Being forced into an uncomfortable social situation will feel really strange and/or horrible at first, but soon you will probably find yourself making friends with coworkers. I know this is a lot to do and it is a drastic change, as I'm still struggling to improve myself on a lot of these aspects, but since I've done all this, my mentality has been much better. Hope this helps ^_^

posted about 2 years ago
its like a culmination of all of their prev. stuff into one song.

posted about 2 years ago

it sounds nice but not my style of music unfort.
semi-off topic but have u heard Gizzard's new song? It's one of if not their best yet imo

posted about 2 years ago

β €

posted about 3 years ago

to bathe is basically to wash yourself, which is usuaally in the form of a bath or shower. so, while the verb is basically the same for both, the nouns are distinct. However, people will understand if you use bath/shower for the opposite meaning, so dw abt it :)

posted about 3 years ago

you ever heard King Gizzard? I just recently discovered them and this song reminded me of some of their softer stuff.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

what a first half. should be 2-1 or even 3-1 chelsea but some brilliant saves and some horrendous finishes have kept this game even at 0.

posted about 3 years ago

title should be VersionX, correct? otherwise, W

posted about 3 years ago

I'd include Louisiana in that list too except for NO maybe. Dallas-Fortworth is a rly good spot imo, but TX sux other than that. imo the best state is N.C. Beautiful, not too cold but not too hot, the "big" cities are not massive, but also not small.

posted about 3 years ago

oh nice! I haven't gotten into Prog until very recently, so I somewhat envy you. I've listened to Fear of A Blank Planet by Porcupine tree, but I'll have to check out Absentia. For Camel, I recommend Camel, Moonmadness, Mirage, and The Snow Goose. Very underrated band (also I hope u like flutes)

posted about 3 years ago

have you heard any original progressive rock? if not, I highly suggest go listen to some from Yes, Pink Floyd, 70s Genesis, King Crimson, and Rush. If you like those, I strongly recommend Emerson, Lake and Palmer(ELP), Gentle Giant, Jethro Tull, Supertramp, and one of my personal favs, Camel. I think you'd like prog rock since math rock has deep roots in it.

P.S. if you have time, listen to the full albums by the bands mentioned. A few songs does not capture their full brilliance

posted about 3 years ago

Kroenke Sports and Entertainment is the group that owns The Guard, as well as LA Gladiators, Los Angeles Rams, Denver Nuggets, Colorado, Avalanche, Colorado Rapids, Colorado Mammoth, Arsenal F.C., Arsenal W.F.C., and Los Angeles Guerrillas. Suffice to say, The Guard is as prestigious as TSM if not more, and will probably increase his salary after his sudden rise in value. The Guard also has I would say a good chance to qual to masters.

That being said, terrible bait.

posted about 3 years ago

honestly probably but this is vlr u never know

posted about 3 years ago

lmfao seeing all of these people getting butthurt by an anime list is sad

saying you won't watch him again for his opinion is basically saying "i won't ask you for math help because you said your favourite colour was brown" or smth stupid like that

posted about 3 years ago

bruh u still got lowers don't give up yet

posted about 3 years ago

this was from the VCT playlist and is so fuckin hype I listened to this on loop the past 3 days
All I Get is Cream by Andrei Tatarinov

posted about 3 years ago

same but Wish You Were Here instead of The Wall, tho The Wall also slaps.

Pink Floyd, Yes, and Rush are the greatest bands to grace this planet

posted about 3 years ago

That Time I got Reincarnated Into a Slime is rly good and not that long

posted about 3 years ago

A Ranker Who Lives Twice and Poison Dragon: Legend of an Asura are rly good revenge plots imo

Hardcore leveling warrior is rly good, and the art has become amazing

Eleceed is amazing unless you hate cats

The legendary moonlight sculptor is my favorite manhwa ever

posted about 3 years ago

MC, Wizard101, Pirate101,, Mario Kart Wii, Subway Surfers, Angry Birds

posted about 3 years ago

so what have you done to validate your opinion?

posted about 3 years ago

this is ban's (i thnk he is on PK now not sure) first PC game ever iirc

posted about 3 years ago

does boba count? if not, ginger beer (much better than ginger ale). if so, taro boba

posted about 3 years ago

I forgor πŸ’€recency bias but yeah he's definitely top 5 (sorry trent)

posted about 3 years ago

since everybody's saying some players are top 3 im making my list. feel free to drop yours below.

HM: trent, shaz
crashies is a head above the rest, and BcJ, derrek, xeta, and eeiu are just too close with eachother imo.

EDIT: for those saying shaz should be top 5, I didn't watch champs that much so I didn't see it. sorry

posted about 3 years ago

who has a big ego?
dominated the tier two team, 30+win streak that included some wins against pretty food teams, etc. sounds like shot being done
just because a player isn't fucking tenz or wardell doesn't mean they're randos... all 5 of these players have been grinding since Day 1
No hate to Guard, they look really good, and they definitely deserved it, but why tf do u hate Akrew so much???

posted about 3 years ago

XSET LG Gen.G AKREW (TSM choke, Faze disappoints, T1 turns out to have actually been trying in the knights tourney, the guard is close but not good enough, RISE fall off hard this year, V1 will never live up to their Iceland run after dumping vanity, NRG loses bc hazed will choke against actual good teams).

These are my hot takes

posted about 3 years ago

so basically CR7?

posted about 3 years ago

might be a scam be careful

posted about 3 years ago

Shonk was FEELING it

BTW this is the main ZMM team, not the other one (that beat T1)

posted about 3 years ago

and c0m as well. the only "new" guy is neon, who replaced dcop (TSM A), but he's cracked, and kanpeki skye> kanpeki jett imo so the team just feels better than they were then when they were EZ5

posted about 3 years ago

FaZe going TSM route and getting 3 duelists (shotup dicey babybay) ???

posted about 3 years ago

Good info but probably should've included LG as well

posted about 3 years ago

jokes on you I just put my crimmus tree up

posted about 3 years ago

SEN/100T swap tenz and Asuna
NV/C9- swap FNS and vanity
RISE/XSET- swap PureR and shanks

this is top 6 but its the best I can come up with rn

posted about 3 years ago
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